Stage II: A new hope. It is a dark time for Bondcigi. The long lived relationship with his stage piano has come to a sudden end. The soul of the synthesizer rose as a small plume of smoke. And the device became silent forever. Bondcigi, obsessed with to find the cause, took fate and a… Continue reading Repair a Nord Stage 2
Category: diy
Assemble Zekit Synth Kit
The linked video shows bondcigi’s try to unbox, solder, assemble & jam with Fred’s lab Zekit synthesizer kit:
Making of Desert Submarine
The video provides a small description of my workflow using the sample set provided by @loopop from superbooth 2021 in Berlin. I used the following samples for the track: LP-M4-60-100.wav godfather zoom 0007 [2021-09-24 205113].wav godfather zoom 0007 [2021-09-24 205116].wav Mic [2021-09-25 071538].wav RE-Portal-Drum-Kick-1.wav LP-M4-24-100.wav LP-M7-96-100.wav N5-55-100-M30.wav LP-M24-72-100.wav LP-M24-96-100.wav